Author: <span class="vcard">A</span>

Runner-Up for the Expanding Leaves Fair Trade Month/Autumn Giveaway

I am so excited to be the runner up winner of the Expanding Leaves Fair Trade Month & Autumn Giveaway! After a week of waiting excitedly by my mailbox with puppydog eyes at the mailman, […]

A Guide to Photographing Tea

Part of blogging is also about showing off the visuals, and tea photography is particularly tricky to get right. However, pictures are essential. It’s hard to accurately picture what a tea looks like from reading […]

Review: High Mountain Oolong Tea, Unknown

This oolong tea, which I’m calling “High Mountain Oolong Tea,” was an impulse purchase in a Hong Kong. I’ve included a photo of it below but really have no idea what company and affiliation it […]

Why I Write About Tea

There is a Blog Carnival of Association of Tea Bloggers hosted by Jason at Walker Tea Review going on about why bloggers blog about tea and I couldn’t resist adding my two cents on why […]

How Oolong Tea Is Graded

Each major type of tea has a unique grading system which may vary by the country or region in which it originates. For Oolong tea, there are assorted grading systems depending on the origin of […]

Five Awesome and Stylish Tea Cozies

One of the most essential parts of my daily tea routine is the tea cozy (also known as tea cosy). Tea cozies are practical little teapot covers which keep your tea piping hot while you’re […]

Recipe: Matcha Tea Leaf Shortbreads

Classic shortbread cookies are a delightful accompaniment to tea, with a rich buttery flavor and crumbly texture. Here is a beautiful variation of the shortbread recipe which incorporates matcha, a Japanese green tea. As you […]

Review: Phoenix Mountain Oolong, Peet’s Coffee & Tea

Phoenix Mountain Oolong, also known as Dan Cong, caught my interest this afternoon at Peet’s Coffee and Tea so I decided to try it. The name originates from Phoenix Mountain the Guangdong Province of China […]

15% off Teas at Rishi Tea – Ends 10/31

In honor of fair trade month, Rishi Tea is also offering a 15% discount on their teas. Claim your special price with the coupon code FAIRTRADE until the end of the month. We think their […]

How Black Tea Is Graded

Each major type of tea has a unique grading system which may vary by the country or region in which it originates. The most common grading system is for black tea, which is graded by […]